• You must be a United States Citizen
  • You must be 18 years old on or before the day of the General Election
  • You must be a resident of Crawford County for at least 30 days
  • You must register to vote at least 30 days before an election to vote in that election
  • You can register to vote online by clicking the blue banner above.
  • You may also print and complete the Voter Registration and Information Form and take it or mail it to the Board of Elections:
    Crawford County Board of Elections
    BUCYRUS, OH 44820-2349
  • Another way that you may obtain a Voter Registration Form, is by going to any of the following locations:
    • Any Public Library
    • Any Public High School or Vocational School
    • Any Office of the Bureau of Motor Vehicles
    • Office of the Crawford County Board of Elections
    • Office of the Crawford County Treasurer
    • Job and Family Services
  • You can register to vote online by clicking the red banner above.
  • You may also print and complete the Voter Registration and Information Form and take it or mail it to the Board of Elections:
    Crawford County Board of Elections
    112 E. Mansfield St., Suite A
    Bucyrus, OH 44820
  • Another way that you may obtain a Voter Registration Form, is by going to any of the following locations:
    • Any Public Library
    • Any Public High School or Vocational School
    • Any Office of the Bureau of Motor Vehicles
    • Office of the Crawford County Board of Elections
    • Office of the Crawford County Treasurer
    • Job and Family Services

Ohio law establishes your residence as the place to which, whenever you are absent, you have the intent to return. A post office box or a business address is not an acceptable address for your residence.

Yes.  The student can request an absentee application and vote in their home county where they are registered to vote.

Or, he or she can update their registration as their school residence and vote in that county.

Yes, you may register at any approved registration site in the State of Ohio, but you must vote in the county and precinct where you reside. It is a felony to knowingly make application or attempt to register in a precinct in which you are not a qualified voter. The system in our country is based on the premise of one person, one vote.

You must cancel your voter registration in Ohio. You can do this by filling out Form 10-A Voter Registration Cancellation. Complete the fillable form, print, sign and mail to the Crawford County Board of Elections.

No. Once you register to vote and vote in at least one general election in four years and – if you so choose – in a primary or special election, you never have to register again.

Remember: You must keep your registration accurately updated for changes that may occur in your life such as a move or a name change.

No. Under Ohio law, a person’s political party affiliation is determined by the party ballot they choose to vote in a partisan Primary Election.

When you vote in a primary election, your vote will determine your party affiliation.On election day, by requesting a political party ballot, the voter becomes party affiliated .  Once they have voted that ballot, the party affiliation designation can only be changed by requesting a different party ballot in the next Primary Election.  All voters are initially referred to as No Party until a primary ballot has been cast.

Yes. You may vote on questions and issues appearing on the ballot without voting for candidates of a political party by asking for an issues only ballot when you go to your polling place to vote.